Sep 24, 2021
It’s no secret that cash flow is what keeps a business running. Ideally, businesses will have enough money coming in to keep the wheels turning. But that doesn’t always happen. When revenues and expenses don’t quite line up, like economic difficulties or when a business opportunity arises, business owners need to...
Sep 21, 2021
On the Home Business Podcast, we love start-up stories and advice. Much of the content on business start-ups focuses on getting up and started in a business in the shortest time possible. Often 6 months or less. But today’s podcast guest takes a longer more strategic view on moving towards being your own boss.
Sep 10, 2021
As COVID-19 has driven us all more and more into a virtual world, optimizing your online presence is more important than ever to business success. Optimizing your online presence can result in major followings on social media, bringing new interest into your services, and filling your lead funnels with genuine...