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 Safety Technology


Dec 26, 2018

Interview with Irene and Margo Gianos of Honestly Margo We love inspirational start-up stories at Home Business. And Honestly Margo is inspirational with wisdom beyond the years for any young entrepreneur thinking of starting their own business. Honestly Margo ( is a bath and beauty brand, built by a mother-daughter team that began from a young girl’s dream to create a business based upon inspiration, belief, and persistence. Irene & Margo Gianos have woven their business to stand for a strong women sisterhood, celebrating women's ability to be empowered, have confidence, and know that anything is possible. Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview this mother-daughter team. They provide great start-up advice for entrepreneurs of any age as they carve out a strong niche in a tough competitive market. Subjects discussed in podcast include: Introduction to Honestly MargoThe inspiration that sparked Honestly Margo“Riches in Niches” – how Honestly Margo carved out strong niche in competitive marketChallenges in getting Honestly Margo launchedSocial media connections in building a strong brand centered on sisterhood and female empowermentHow to make ecommerce product fulfillment work Episode Sponsor: Safety Technology * Subscribe to Home Business TV YouTube Channel (Click)  Visit the Podcast Website